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Frequently Asked Questions
Please see all the answers we have for you below by category.
Who we are?
Nunc euismod sapien ut imperdiet tincidunt. Aliquam sit amet purus finibus neque pellentesque viverra sed et dui. Pellentesque enim felis, pharetra non quam sit amet, porttitor venenatis mi. Integer facilisis est orci, vel hendrerit quam accumsan non. Nulla lacinia, mauris eu aliquam aliquam, lorem orci ullamcorper nibh, sed rhoncus lorem mi a augue. Donec sodales sagittis eros, ut commodo risus. Nulla ac pulvinar nisi. Mauris elit odio, mattis eu metus a, imperdiet ornare diam. Vivamus maximus massa non sagittis bibendum.
What we do?
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Phasellus egestas, orci in imperdiet feugiat, risus nibh dictum arcu, id porttitor tortor risus ac dui. Aliquam ipsum magna, luctus vel mi eget, tempus efficitur neque. Proin semper lacus eu elit hendrerit, ornare varius eros fringilla.
Whare are our shops?
Vestibulum aliquet consectetur ipsum, eget vehicula lectus fringilla at. Maecenas porttitor dui quis enim aliquam iaculis. Vivamus vitae tellus sit amet velit rutrum placerat at sit amet sem. Aenean quis placerat sem, ac sagittis quam. Curabitur sed venenatis augue. Nullam et pharetra nulla. Aenean bibendum est id nunc pulvinar pretium.
How to buy from our website?
Can I buy online from your website?
Short answer is YES, you can.
What payment mothod can I use?
On our website you can use at the moment only 2 secure payment methods to make purchases. The first is by credit or debit card, almost any cards should work. The second method is by paypal.
Do I have an account?
Short answer is Yes, you do. On our website you can access your existing account with us by loging in or simply create an account for later use, in case you consider buying from us at a later date. However, you will also have the option to not create an account at the checkout page when you will make final payment and so you can purchase as a quest or you can create an account. It’s your choise. Anyway, we do recommend you to create an account with us at the checkout page so that you keep track of all the shipping details and producs you’ve purchased from us and much more.
How do we ship the products to you?
1 day delivery
Up to 3 days delivery
Pickup from our local shop
Home delivery
Unfortunately we do not delivery at clients homes our products. Once you make a purchase on our website you will have to personaly come in the shop and pick up your product/cake.
Couldn’t find the answer to your question/s?
Don’t worry, we have you covered. If you couldn’t find what you are looking for on this page or simply can’t find an answer to your questions, please don’t hesitate to contact us by completing the form here.